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My journey for truth.

The Journalist turned teacher....

Journalism and teaching are strangely entwined... both pursue truth. Both allow for freedom of speech, and both require a sense of integrity and dedication to succeed.

When I decide to sidetrack my main career - Journalism - to follow motherhood for a while, I believed I would see myself two years later working at a desk, pouring myself over copies to edit, and sipping endless cups of coffee that kept me going like a Porsche! A vision of the stereotypical journalist - a femme version of a la Jonah Jameson, so to speak.

Two years later, I am living this vision (real time!) - pouring over copies to edit, and sipping cups of green tea (I took a detour from coffee to pursue the miracle drink in hopes to keep my sagging skin and spirits high!).

However, in this real-time vision, there has been a change - I edit copies written by High School students. Yes, I am a teacher now... teaching high schoolers, Journalism.

All of this happened as I was batting away flies six months after my delivery, bored numb. I would walk through the malls, secretly spying through the glass windows and sighing silently at the rows of makeup and dresses that invited me oh so seductively... I wanted it... all of it, and more! But where would I wear them? While changing poop, perhaps! (long sigh, and rolling of eyes)

One afternoon after I had come back home from a similar reverie at the mall, and lazed on the couch I wondered if it was time to pick up my professional arsenal and march into the professional world and take my place.

And in this dramatic moment, I decided to look at some potential job sites. No success... Ironically, it was the old-fashioned newspaper ad that caught my attention. It took me three days to get my CV ready. Not because I had to write a new one. I have an OCD about updating my CV every two months. I was nervous. Teaching is a whole different ball game. The one that requires thick skin, quick feet, fast tongue and mettle that stronger than diamond.

I still remember hovering my mouse over the send button... a fleeting five seconds of pause. Was this the right choice? It was. Two years later, I may not have created any aspiring journalists ( difficult to do, you see, when you are an elective). But, I have created individuals who aspire to seek the truth. Some, at least. And that's all I can do. Show them the path, hold their hand. They take the plunge to walk that path. and I am proud to say, some have.


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