Mindful? Do you mind? Often heard when one unconsciously pries into the affairs of another. “Hey, do you mind, that’s my food!” “Hey, do you mind? That is personal!” “Hey, do you mind minding your own business?!” Mindfulness or being mindful is therefore being conscious. What does it mean to be conscious? It means to be aware, to be awake and to be alive. Are we mindful today? Mindful of our resting, mindful of our nourishment, mindful of our peace, mindful of our relations and our world? The world is so chaotic, moving at mind-numbing speed that we consciously forgo mindfulness, because deep down we know mindfulness requires an investment of time and self. Who has time and interest in self – our current world revolves around focusing on the next best thing to satisfy our next short window of joy. Everything is so in the moment that you forget to invest in that moment or care enough for it to last longer. Therefore, mindfulness is simple. Stop and invest in your SELF . Stop...