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Showing posts from August, 2017

My journey for truth.

The Journalist turned teacher.... Journalism and teaching are strangely entwined... both pursue truth. Both allow for freedom of speech, and both require a sense of integrity and dedication to succeed. When I decide to sidetrack my main career - Journalism - to follow motherhood for a while, I believed I would see myself two years later working at a desk, pouring myself over copies to edit, and sipping endless cups of coffee that kept me going like a Porsche! A vision of the stereotypical journalist - a femme version of a la Jonah Jameson, so to speak. Two years later, I am living this vision (real time!) - pouring over copies to edit, and sipping cups of green tea (I took a detour from coffee to pursue the miracle drink in hopes to keep my sagging skin and spirits high!). However, in this real-time vision, there has been a change - I edit copies written by High School students. Yes, I am a teacher now... teaching high schoolers, Journalism. All of this happened as I was bat...